Volunteer Consultants Club

Volunteer Consultants Club

What is the Volunteer Consultants Club? A number of highly successful employers, both male and female, volunteer to offer consultation services for new employers and start-ups through Kaizen Consultancy, absolutely free of charge for clients. These employers operate in a variety of fields, and may not hold degrees in business and management, but together, they have decades of practical experience and educated views on how to run a successful business. Their project results and business track records speak for themselves. As an entrepreneur, you can request a free consultation by filling out the Initial Inquiry Form below. Based on your information, we will connect you with the appropriate volunteer businessperson for your free consultation. Additionally, we will make every effort to arrange a meeting between you and the volunteer, based on their availability. Please be advised that the volunteer consultation process is not academic in nature, and thus w

Please be advised that the volunteer consultation process is not academic in nature, and thus will not be accompanied by a written report; it is only a discussion between you and the successful businessperson about their experiences. Kaizen Consultancy will provide all of the necessary forms and documents for the meeting.
Please be advised that this work is performed on a voluntary basis. Volunteers are free to accept or decline meetings, based on their availability or other factors—Kaizen Consultancy is merely the organizer and mediator, based on our deep commitment to assist aspiring entrepreneurs.


Our Volunteers